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Customers often wish to try many of our varieties or wish to use different varieties for different recipes. We have arranged some sampler packages here so that you may try a few of our different varieties.


We are offering the following sampler packages:
Beginners- Four Pounds each of each Different Classes of Wheat- Hard Red Winter Wheat, Hard White Winter Wheat, Soft White Winter Wheat, and Soft Red Winter Wheat
Classic- Our Original Tried and True Flours- 4 Pounds each Rustic Red, Windy White, Turkey Red, and Scout 66.
Classic Two- Our Original White and Red- 9 Pounds each Rustic Red and Windy White.
Hard Whites- 6 each Breck White, Snow White, and Windy White

Heirlooms- Our 1960s and before varieties- 4 Pounds each Cheyenne, Scout 66, Mediterranean, and Turkey Red.
New Reds- Our New Red Varieties-  6 Pounds each TAM 105, Cheyenne, and Mediterranean.
Not Wheat- Our non-wheat grains- 8 Pounds each of Triticale and Millet (Contains Gluten).

Reds- All of our Red varieties-  2.5 Pounds each of Rustic Red, Scout 66, Turkey Red, Mediterranean, TAM 105, and Cheyenne.

Softs- Our Two Soft Varieties- 9 Pounds each Mediterranean Heirloom Red and SerenelySoft White.
Whites- Our Four White Varieties- 4 Pounds each of Windy White, Breck White, Snow White, and Serenely Soft White. 

We have the freshest flour in the state! All flour is freshly ground and shipped within 24 hours of milling.  Please note that our flour shipping may have a delay between ordering and milling. 

Please note that although Millet as a crop does not contain gluten, we use the same equipment to plant, harvest, and mill our millet and wheat. Our millet may contain trace amounts of wheat and is not gluten free. 


We are a Colorado Cottage Food Producer. Flour is ground under the Colorado Cottage Food Act. We can only ship flour within the state of Colorado. 

“This product was produced in a home kitchen that is not subject to state licensure or inspection and that may also process common food allergens, such as tree nuts, peanuts, eggs, soy, wheat, milk, fish, and crustacean shellfish. This product is not intended for resale."

Freshly Ground Flour- Sampler Boxes

  • We will mail your order as soon as we can. We do not keep stock on flour and grind everything as we sell it, so sometimes we have a lag shipping flour. 

    Prices here include shipping, figured in the most economical amounts to ship within Colorado.

  • We do not keep stock on flour and will freshly grind your flour order.

© 2024 - Grains From the Plains By Sunflower Acres, Hugo, Colorado, USA

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